The teaching staff | Electric power, electrical engineering and electromechanics

Trehub Mykola
Academic title and scientific degree: 
Head of the department, doctor of technology sciences, professor
The direction of scientific activity: 
Scientific and educational interests:
  • Renewable energy sources, machines and technologies for the production and use of organic fertilizers.
Corporate e-mail: tregyb.m.i@gmail.com
Chervinskyi Leonid
Academic title and scientific degree: 
Doctor of technical sciences, professor
The direction of scientific activity: 
Web of Science ResearcherID: W-2434-2018
Scientific and educational interests:
  • Development and implementation of Smart electrical technologies in bioengineering. Energy-efficient electrotechnological complexes in agricultural production and energy saving.
Corporate e-mail: lchervinsky@gmail.co
Holodnyi Ivan
Academic title and scientific degree: 
Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, senior researcher
The direction of scientific activity: 


Scientific and educational interests:

  • Energy conservation of controlled electromechanical systems

Corporate e-mail: golodnyi@ukr.net


Senchuk Mykola
Academic title and scientific degree: 
Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor
The direction of scientific activity: 
Scientific and educational interests:
  • Machines and technologies for the production and use of organic fertilizers
Corporate e-mail: m.m.senchuk@gmail.com
Muzychenko Volodymyr
Academic title and scientific degree: 
Candidate of technical sciences, senior researcher
The direction of scientific activity: 


Scientific and educational interests:
  • Agroelectric technology
Corporate e-mail: moozychenko.va@gmail.com


Demeshchuk Viktor
Academic title and scientific degree: 
The direction of scientific activity: 
Scientific and educational interests:
  • Justification of the multi-functional electric mobile machine for organic farming
Corporate e-mail: victordem58@gmail.com
Snihur Tetiana
Academic title and scientific degree: 
The direction of scientific activity: 


Scientific and educational interests:

  • Design of power supply systems of industrial and agricultural enterprises

Corporate e-mail: snigurtetana08@bmet.org.ua