The teaching staff | Information systems and technologies

Trofimchuk Mikhail
Academic title and scientific degree: 
PhD of Economics, associate professor
The direction of scientific activity: 
Scientific and educational interests:
  • e-commerce; development of info communication infrastructure of the financial market
Corporate e-mail: trofimch@btsau.edu.ua


Bondar Olena
Academic title and scientific degree: 
PhD of Economics, associate professor
The direction of scientific activity: 
Scientific and educational interests:
  • information systems, economic and mathematical modeling
Corporate e-mail: osbondar@btsau.edu.ua
Novikova Victoria
Academic title and scientific degree: 
PhD of Economics, associate professor
The direction of scientific activity: 
Scientific and educational interests:
  • mathematical modeling, forecasting under uncertainty, neural networks and risk management in technical and financial systems. Design and implementation of computer information-analytical systems and decision support systems (CAD) in modeling, forecasting and control of systems and processes of different nature
Corporate e-mail: vinovikova@btsau.edu.ua
Tkachenko Olha
Academic title and scientific degree: 
PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, assistant
The direction of scientific activity: 
Scientific and educational interests:
  • professional and pedagogical training of master's students in higher agricultural education institutions; informatization of professional training of future specialists in higher agricultural education institutions
Corporate e-mail: tkachenko.olga@btsau.edu.ua