The teaching staff | Philosophy and political sciences

Melnyk Liudmyla
Academic title and scientific degree: 
Head of the department, candidate of political sciences, associate professor
The direction of scientific activity: 
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1299-5610
Scientific and educational interests:
  • History of Ukrainian political thought, history of religion, political elites and political leadership
Corporate e-mail: melnyk.ludmyla@btsau.edu.ua


Yarmola Oleksandr
Academic title and scientific degree: 
Candidate of Philosophical Sciences
The direction of scientific activity: 


ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0972-178X
Scientific and educational interests:
  • History of philosophy, philosophical and methodological problems of scientific knowledge, philosophy of science and technology, philosophy of language, philosophy of religion
Duzha Iryna
Academic title and scientific degree: 
Candidate of political sciences
The direction of scientific activity: 
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5565-5720
Scientific and educational interests:
  • International political relations
Corporate e-mail: duzha.iryna@btsau.edu.ua


Ordina Larysa
Academic title and scientific degree: 
Candidate of Pedagogical Science, associate professor
The direction of scientific activity: 


ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4127-6225
Scientific and educational interests:
  • History of Ukrainian culture, history of world and Ukrainian artistic culture
Corporate e-mail: ordina.larysa@btsau.edu.ua


Hrek Iryna
Academic title and scientific degree: 
The direction of scientific activity: 


ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0100-0497


Scientific and educational interests:

  • History of religion

Corporate e-mail: hrek.iryna@btsau.edu.ua