Development of disinfectants and their use in pig farming
Animal hygiene
Ethology and animal welfare

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9144-5272
Scientific and educational interests:
- Research work of students;
- Optimization of technologies of the food industry
- Sanitation and hygiene of food production;
- Mycology, mycotoxicology, microbiology
Corporate e-mail: Andrii.andriichuk@btsau.edu.ua

- Sanitary and hygienic rationale for the use of biologically active drugs in the production and processing of animal husbandry products
- Research work of students
- Sanitation and hygiene of food production
- Outline geometry and technical mechanics

- theoretical substantiation and experimental tests of preventive methods of reducing the suppressive effect of paratypic environmental factors on the homeostasis of the young of rural areas. animals by using biologically active drugs
- hygiene and welfare of animals
- sanitary and hygienic requirements for the production and processing of animal husbandry products
- prevention of animal diseases

Scientific and educational interests:
- Biological properties of immunomodulatory drugs and their effect on the body of farm animals and poultry;
- Animal hygiene;
- Prevention of animal diseases

Scientific and educational interests:
- Productivity and metabolism in young rabbits fed with a vitamin-mineral supplement
- Processes and devices of food production
- Enterprise design with the basics of CAD
- Entry to the profession

- Theoretical and practical justification and improvement of aqua nanotechnology of biologically active preparations containing metal ions and their use in the production and processing of livestock products
During last years, the Ukrainian poliсy was directed towards integration to European Union. An important precondition of its realization is fulfilling the requirements of the EU Council’s Directive 98/58EU 52 about agricultural animals’ welfare. The humane attitude to animals is necessary object not only for ethical reasons but also for quality and safety in animal production and processing. It is important to coordinate activities of both, scientists and producers for successful solving of problems in animal breeding, and the veterinary hygiene and sanitary should get a key role in this process.
In 1898 the section “Animal hygiene” became part of lectures on “Animal Breeding” and it was taught at the agricultural educational establishment in Bila Tserkva. In 1933 a Department of Animal Hygiene was organized, now it is named Department of Animal hygiene and basics of sanitary, and is an integrated part of Bio-technological faculty.
8 lecturers make up the staff of the Department:
Associate Prof. I. O. Balatskyi - Head of Department, Candidate of veterinary sciences;
Associate Prof. V.V. Malyna- Candidate of agricultural sciences;
Associate Prof. V.A. Hryshko - Candidate of agricultural sciences;
Associate Prof. L.V. Bondarenko - Candidate of veterinary sciences;
Associate Prof. M.M. Fedorchenko - Candidate of agricultural sciences;
Associate Prof. A.V. Andriichuk - Candidate of veterinary sciences;
N.V. Buley – Senior lecturer;
L.M. Teliushchenko – Senior laboratorian.
The lecturers offer high quality courses in the following specializations:
- 204 «Technology of animal production and processing» (Bachelor and Master degrees);
- 181 «Food technology» (Bachelor degree);
- 162 «Biotechnology and Bioengineering» (Bachelor degree);
- 211 «Veterinary Medicine» (Master degree).
Since the creation of the Department, its scientists conducted various research, but the priority direction was investigation of environmental factors impact on physiological condition and productivity of agricultural animals.
There are two research laboratories at the Department:
- Training and research laboratory of sanitarian hygiene and immunology providing research on an initiative topic «Theoretical substantiation and experimental testing of biologically active preparations in animal breeding». The state registration number 0121U114657, from 26.12.2021.
- Training and research laboratory of cultivation technology and the quality of hydrobiont products. The research is conducted on the initiative topic «Theoretical substantiation and practical improvement of getting biologically active solutions and preparations containing metal ions by means of aquananotechnology, investigation of their influence on biological objects and spheres of its usage in animal production and processing and in aquaculture». The state registration number 0121U114612, from 23.12.2021.
The staff of the Department encourage the students for scientific activity by consulting the students research works submitted for the speciality competitions. They provide assistance in preparation the students to international scientific and practical conferences and student research days. The students are welcome at the Department scientific circle «SANITAS».