Brovko Natalia
Academic title and scientific degree:
Head of the Department, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor
The direction of scientific activity:
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3525-2817
Google scholar profile:
Scientific and educational interests:
- Problems of Constitutional Law of Ukraine, Human and Civil Rights, Problems of Formation of Human Rights, Philosophical Problems of Law
Corporate e-mail:
Melnyk Olesya
Academic title and scientific degree:
PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Deputy Dean of the Faculty
The direction of scientific activity:
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1714-6957
Google scholar profile:
Scientific and educational interests:
- Legal Realization of Judicial Power, Anti-corruption Activity, European Integration Processes and Law of the European Union
Corporate e-mail:
Tereshchuk Mykola
Academic title and scientific degree:
PhD in Law, Senior Lecturer
The direction of scientific activity:
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0772-9975
Google scholar profile:
Scientific and educational interests:
- Theory and History of the State and Law, History of Political and Legal Studies, Comparative Law, Constitutional Law of Foreign Countries
Corporate e-mail:
Rosavytskyi Oleksandr
Academic title and scientific degree:
Senior Lecturer
The direction of scientific activity:
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9820-7530
Google scholar profile:
Scientific and educational interests:
- Historical and Legal Principles of State Construction in Ukraine and Foreign Countries
Corporate e-mail:
Makarchuk Vitaly
Academic title and scientific degree:
PhD in Law, Assistant
The direction of scientific activity:
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9099-8921
Google scholar profile:
Scientific and educational interests:
- ensuring national security
Corporate e-mail:
Polyarush-Safronenko Svitlana
Academic title and scientific degree:
PhD in Law, Associate Professor
The direction of scientific activity:
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4007-8844
Google scholar profile:
Scientific and educational interests:
- Problems of constitutional and municipal law
Corporative e-mail: