The teaching staff | Land farming, agrochemistry and soil science

Karpuk Lesia
Academic title and scientific degree: 
Head of the department, Doctor of agricultural sciences, professor
The direction of scientific activity: 
Scientific and educational interests:
  • Biological and technological bases of bioenergy and staple agricultural crops production intensification
Corporate e-mail: lesia.karpuk@btsau.edu.ua
Prymak Ivan
Academic title and scientific degree: 
Professor, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences
The direction of scientific activity: 
Scientific and educational interests:
  • Development of energy-saving technologies of mechanical tillage and rational crop rotation for the conditions of the Central Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
Corporate e-mail: ivan.prymak@btsau.edu.ua 
Obrazhiy Serhiy
Academic title and scientific degree: 
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, associate professor
The direction of scientific activity: 
Scientific and educational interests:
  • Improvement of technologies for growing the main agricultural crops and increasing the level of crops profitability in crop rotations of the central Forest Steppe of Ukraine
Pavlichenko Andriy
Academic title and scientific degree: 
Candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor
The direction of scientific activity: 
Scientific and educational interests:
  • Agrotechnical and ecological foundations of increasing the productivity of grain crops in crop rotations of the central Forest Steppe of Ukraine
Voytovyk Mykhailo
Academic title and scientific degree: 
Candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor
The direction of scientific activity: 


Scientific and educational interests:

  • Scientific and practical foundations of No-till technology application on typical black earth of the Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Kulyk Roman
Academic title and scientific degree: 
Candidate of rural Sciences, assistant
The direction of scientific activity: 
Scientific and educational interests:
  • Soil science, fodder production and onion cultivation
Corporate e-mail: roman.kulyk@btsau.edu.ua
Panchenko Oleksandr
Academic title and scientific degree: 
Candidate of agricultural science, associate professor
The direction of scientific activity: 
Scientific and educational interests:
  • Reproduction of the fertility of typical black earth depending on the main tillage and fertilization systems in the Central Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
Karaulna Vitalina
Academic title and scientific degree: 
Candidate of agricultural science, associate professor
The direction of scientific activity: 
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9141-9880
Scientific and educational interests:
  • Agrochemistry, soil science, fertilizer application system, organic production
Corporate e-mail: Karaulnav@ukr.net
Yezerkovska Lyudmila
Academic title and scientific degree: 
Candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor
The direction of scientific activity: 
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6644-120X
Scientific and educational interests:
  • Methods of soil cultivation, agricultural fertilization. crops, organic production
Corporate e-mail: liudmyla.bogatyr@btsau.edu.ua 
Filipova Larysa
Academic title and scientific degree: 
Candidate of agricultural science, associate professor
The direction of scientific activity: 
Scientific and educational interests:
  • Trophic and hormonal regulation of plant ontogenesis
Corporate e-mail:  larysa.filipova@btsau.edu.ua
Titarenko Oksana
Academic title and scientific degree: 
The direction of scientific activity: 
Scientific and educational interests:
  • Development of elements of grain sorghum cultivation technology in the conditions of the forest-steppe of Ukraine