Annotation of the optional educational component "Population genetics" Annotation of the optional educational component "Safety, ecological mycology and toxicology of feed" Annotation of the optional educational component "Ethology of farm animals" Annotation of the optional educational component "Selection and breeding work in poultry farming" Annotation of the optional educational component "Molecular genetic research methods at the creature" Annotation of the optional educational component "Animal gene pool preserving" Annotation of the optional educational component "New research methods in animal feeding" Annotation of the optional educational component "Resource-saving technology for the production of eggs and poultry meat" Annotation of the optional educational component "Special genetics" Annotation of the optional educational component "Information and computer systems in animal breeding" Annotation of the optional educational component "Мodeling of technological processes in stockbreeding" Annotation of the optional educational component "Technology of formula-feed production" Annotation of the optional educational component "The incubation of the poultry eggs with the basics of embryology" Annotation of the optional educational component "Biology of farm poultry" Annotation of the optional educational component "Normalized animal feeding systems" Annotation of the optional educational component "Organization and management of beef production on modern farms" Annotation of the optional educational component "Modeling of technological processes of animal feeding" Annotation of the optional educational component "Biotechnology of animal reproduction" Annotation of the optional educational component "Biosafety in the poultry industry" Annotation of the optional educational component "Intellectual and industrial property"