30.01-02.02.2024 р. відбулося засідання керівної ради проекту Еразмус+ Uniclad
В Познанському університеті природничих наук відбулося засідання Керівної ради проєкту ЕРАЗМУС+ UniClaD.
У засідання взяли участь представники України, Молдови, Азербайджану, а також Європейські партнери проєкту. На порядку денному засідання було розглянуто досягнуті результати у реалізації проекту партнерами, визначено нагальні дії щодо одержання наступного траншу фінансування, окреслено план роботи на наступні 6 місяців, а саме: організація студентської мобільності, написання посібників, робота над навчальними програмами, виконання пілотних проєктів.
Program Erasmus +, projectKA2 n° 609944-EPP-1-2019-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Agenda of the second round table
27th May 2021, 13:00 – 15:00 (EET)
Про співпрацю стейкхолдерів з розвитку аквакультури в Україні
Presentation of the Interdisciplinary Center for Expertise of Agrarian Innovations and Entrepreneurship and the Laboratory of Complex Ichthyo-pathological Research, created in the framework of the project "UniClaD", ERASMUS+ KA2 CBHE program, will take place on May 27 2021
The Interdisciplinary Center for Expertise of Agrarian Innovations and Entrepreneurship represents an interdisciplinary platform in educational, research, expert-analytical, consulting activities in the field of agrarian innovations, innovative entrepreneurship, use of innovative and entrepreneurial potential of public organizations, united territorial communities, non-public structures, being involved into innovation processes in the agricultural sector, qualitative transformation of the living conditions of rural population and the development of entrepreneurial skills, for governmental and non-governmental organizations, other legal entities and individuals.
The Interdisciplinary Center for Expertise of Agrarian Innovations and Entrepreneurship, established at the University, is ready to accept Masters and PhD students for work, study or research.
We are looking for motivated students and PhD students who are interested in research, implementation and evaluation of agricultural innovations, development of innovative projects in the field of agricultural production, rural economy and other areas. A variety of work is offered, which includes tasks ranging from qualitative analysis and fieldwork in the Kyiv region to data analysis and econometric analysis, which is conducted on the basis of the use of large data sets. We invite the second-year Master's students, who plan to continue their education in PhD programs 051 "Economics", 073 "Management".
In addition, the University opens a Laboratory of comprehensive ichthyopathological research to conduct their scientific studies, to develop monitoring methodologies, economically sound and most effective methods of treatment and prevention of fish diseases. The Laboratory is open for Master and PhD students. The laboratory aims to provide scientific, consultative, expertise and other services, the direction of which corresponds to the scientific activities of organizations, enterprises, institutions and individuals whose activities are related to pond fisheries, aquaculture (including ornamental), industrial systems of closed water supply. We are interested in participation of students studying on dual education system for Bachelor and Master degrees, who plan to continue their education programs on 207 "Aquatic Bioresources and Aquaculture", 211 "Veterinary Medicine".
If you are interested and would like to receive more information, we invite you to the presentation of the Interdisciplinary Center for Expertise of Agrarian Innovation and Entrepreneurship and the Laboratory of Complex Ichthyological Research on May, 27 at 13:00 o'clock, conference room 22.
Вебсторінка проекту: http://uniclad.net/
Науково-методичеий центр вищої та фахової передвищої освіти
Львівський національний аграрний університет