Announcement Proposal Writing-final


DAAD Proposal Writing Workshop

for Young Researchers


Dates:       October 4, 2016 in Kharkiv

October 5, 2016 in Kyiv

October 6, 2016 in Lviv


Time:         9:00 – 15:30

The workshop is geared towards young researchers (Ph.D. students, junior faculty) who intend to apply for DAAD scholarships or seek to develop academic cooperation projects with German universities.

  • Training offered by Dr. Irina Dovbyschuk, University of Bremen, Germany
  • No fees, but applicants cater for own accommodation, transport
  • Number of participants limited

E-Mail applications only with the following documents/ information:

  • A research abstract in (max. 400 words in word format) of the research project to be undertaken (For the abstract to be considered, it MUST contain your name, title of the abstract, the problem statement, clearly stated objectives, methodology)
  • scanned electronic copy of the Master’s or Ph.D. certificate (degree not older than 6 years)
  • At which German university do you want to do your research (and why)
  • Your expectations of the workshop (max. 5 sentences)

The application has to be submitted in either English or German.Working languages will be English and Ukrainian.

Application deadline: Monday, September 19, 2016

Please send applications to Dr. Oksana Schwaijka at projekt@daad.org.ua!

ONLY complete applications can be considered.  Successful applicants will be notified by September 24, 2016.

We urge prospective DAAD scholarship applicants to consider their participation in this workshop!